756 research outputs found

    The effect of specific antibodies on oxygen uptake and H+ pumping by cytochrome c oxidase vesicles

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    AbstractAntibodies to solubilized cytochrome c oxidse and to subunit III were incubated with liposomal oxidase. In oxygen uptake experiments, the inhibiting effects on RCI of anti-oxidase (primarily anti- subunits II and IV) and anti-III were by different mechanisms: the former, by inhibiting the uncoupled rate; the latter, by stimulating the coupled rate. In experiments with H+ translocation, anti-oxidase was without effect, while anti-III was a potent inhibitor of proton pumping. These results are conclusive evidence for redox-linked proton extrusion from the vesicles by the oxidase (and its subunit III)

    Turbulent Compressible Convection with Rotation - Penetration above a Convection Zone

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    We perform Large eddy simulations of turbulent compressible convection in stellar-type convection zones by solving the Navi\'{e}r-Stokes equations in three dimensions. We estimate the extent of penetration into the stable layer above a stellar-type convection zone by varying the rotation rate ({\boldmathΩ\rm\Omega}), the inclination of the rotation vector (θ\theta) and the relative stability (SS) of the upper stable layer. The computational domain is a rectangular box in an f-plane configuration and is divided into two regions of unstable and stable stratification with the stable layer placed above the convectively unstable layer. Several models have been computed and the penetration distance into the stable layer above the convection zone is estimated by determining the position where time averaged kinetic energy flux has the first zero in the upper stable layer. The vertical grid spacing in all the model is non-uniform, and is less in the upper region so that the flows are better resolved in the region of interest. We find that the penetration distance increases as the rotation rate increases for the case when the rotation vector is aligned with the vertical axis. However, with the increase in the stability of the upper stable layer, the upward penetration distance decreases. Since we are not able to afford computations with finer resolution for all the models, we compute a number of models to see the effect of increased resolution on the upward penetration. In addition, we estimate the upper limit on the upward convective penetration from stellar convective cores.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Asttrophysics & Space Scienc

    Extracellular secretion of Carocin S1 in Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum occurs via the type III secretion system integral to the bacterial flagellum

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    Background: Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum is a phytopathogenic enterobacterium responsible for soft rot, a disease characterized by extensive maceration of the affected plant tissue. This species also produces two or more antibacterial substances called bacteriocins, which enhance its competitiveness against related rival species. However, the secretion mechanism for low-molecular-weight bacteriocin is still unknown. Results: A mutant (flhC::Tn5) that did not secrete the low-molecular-weight bacteriocin (LMWB), Carocin S1, was generated by Tn5 insertional mutagenesis. Sequence analysis indicated that this insertion disrupted open reading frame 2 (ORF2) and ORF3 of this strain. Deletion and rescue experiments indicated that ORF2 and ORF3 were both required for extracellular LMWB secretion. The ORF2 and ORF3 sequences showed high homology with the flhD and flhC gene sequences of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. atroseptica, Serratia marcescens, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Escherichia coli, indicating that they likely encoded key regulatory components of the type III flagella secretion system. Conclusion: Thus, the extracellular export of Carocin S1 by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum appears to utilize the type III secretion system integral to bacterial flagella

    Defining the essence of innovation how important terms in promoting of transformation processes in Ukraine

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    Feature hierarchies are essential to many visual object recognition systems and are well motivated by observations in biological systems. The present paper proposes an algorithm to incrementally compute feature hierarchies. The features are represented as estimated densities, using a variant of local soft histograms. The kernel functions used for this estimation in conjunction with their unitary extension establish a tight frame and results from framelet theory apply. Traversing the feature hierarchy requires resampling of the spatial and the feature bins. For the resampling, we derive a multi-resolution scheme for quadratic spline kernels and we derive an optimization algorithm for the upsampling. We complement the theoretic results by some illustrative experiments, consideration of convergence rate and computational efficiency.DIPLECSGARNICSELLII

    Scalar perturbation spectra from warm inflation

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    We present a numerical integration of the cosmological scalar perturbation equations in warm inflation. The initial conditions are provided by a discussion of the thermal fluctuations of an inflaton field and thermal radiation using a combination of thermal field theory and thermodynamics. The perturbation equations include the effects of a damping coefficient Γ\Gamma and a thermodynamic potential VV. We give an analytic expression for the spectral index of scalar fluctuations in terms of a new slow-roll parameter constructed from Γ\Gamma. A series of toy models, inspired by spontaneous symmetry breaking and a known form of the damping coefficient, lead to a spectrum with ns>1n_s>1 on large scales and ns<1n_s<1 on small scales.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX 4, revised with extra figure

    Insulator-Superfluid transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice in magnetic field

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    We study the insulator-superfluid transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice in a uniform magnetic field. Based on a mean-field approximation we obtained a zero-temperature phase diagram. We found that depending on the particle number the transition for bosons with antiferromagnetic interaction may occur into different superfluid phases with spins aligned along or opposite to the field direction. This is qualitatively different from the field-free transition for which the mean-field theory predicts a unique (polar) superfluid state for any particle number.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figure

    Dimensional Dependence of Black Hole Formation in Self-Similar Collapse of Scalar Field

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    We study classical and quantum self-similar collapses of a massless scalar field in higher dimensions, and examine how the increase in the number of dimensions affects gravitational collapse and black hole formation. Higher dimensions seem to favor formation of black hole rather than other final states, in that the initial data space for black hole formation enlarges as dimension increases. On the other hand, the quantum gravity effect on the collapse lessens as dimension increases. We also discuss the gravitational collapse in a brane world with large but compact extra dimensions.Comment: Improved a few arguments and added a figur

    Dirac quasinormal modes of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om de Sitter black hole

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    The quasinormal modes of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om de Sitter black hole for the massless Dirac fields are studied using the P\"oshl-Teller potential approximation. We find that the magnitude of the imaginary part of the quasinormal frequencies decreases as the cosmological constant or the orbital angular momentum increases, but it increases as the charge or the overtone number increases. An interesting feature is that the imaginary part is almost linearly related to the real part as the cosmological constant changes for fixed charge, and the linearity becomes better as the orbital angular momentum increases. We also prove exactly that the Dirac quasinormal frequencies are the same for opposite chirality.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. D in pres